Don’t let your customer success strategy mask the flaws in your product. Instead, make sure it uncovers them.
We asked three experienced CSMs about what the job entails.
Customer success is a booming field, even in difficult economic times. Here are the most important skills to getting in the game.
Using a method I call RAFT + NUDGE, you can ensure your customers never feel like you’ve forgotten them.
Step 1: Make sure your customers see value right away.
In the race to provide the best customer experience, employees have been left behind creating a customer disconnect. Here’s why you can’t have happy customers without happy employees.
For starters, when was the last time you texted the customer?
Ask what they do. Then focus on saving them time.
Annual churn rate, customer journey map, net rention rate — and more.
After the tumult of 2020, companies must stabilize their relationships, jumpstart paused initiatives and cultivate their brand identities.