People Management Articles

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Edward Hearn Edward Hearn
Updated on July 18, 2022

How Much Transparency Is Too Much?

Transparency within an organization is good for productivity and morale. Taken too far, though, it becomes surveillance and starts to have adverse effects.

Adam Thomas Adam Thomas
Updated on July 07, 2022

Transparency in the Workplace: Effective Teams Don’t Keep Secrets

There’s a difference between privacy, which is based on trust, and secrecy, which isn’t. To maximize your team’s potential, you need to foster privacy and eschew secrecy.

Sunny Betz Sunny Betz
Updated on May 24, 2022

Mental Health Is a Workplace Issue. It Shouldn’t Get Overlooked.

Asking for help is harder than it seems. HR leaders can make it easier.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on March 08, 2022

The Art of Pair Programming in Software Development

“There’s something very sacred about two people working together.”

Sunny Betz Sunny Betz
Updated on March 04, 2022

How to Help Your Transgender Employees Feel Safer at Work

The tech industry has a long way to go when it comes to supporting transgender employees. Here are concrete steps companies can take to change things.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on August 11, 2021

5 Ways to Make Daily Check-Ins More Effective for Developers

Make the meeting worthwhile for every participant.

Updated on July 09, 2021

The Talent Acquisition Strategies That Got These Leaders to Join Their Company

They’ve just gone through the recruiting and onboarding processes they will now oversee.

Brian Nordli Brian Nordli
Updated on July 08, 2021

3 Simple Strategies for Making Your Code Reviews More Effective

Code reviews can bring teams closer together and teach developers new things — if you do them right.

Brian Nordli Brian Nordli
Updated on December 01, 2020

Strategies for Managing a Remote Team

Are you fostering a productive atmosphere or a sense of distrust?

Nona Tepper Nona Tepper
Updated on December 03, 2019

Can More Deadlines Make Product Development Less Stressful?

To fight burnout, Basecamp abolished project deadlines. Then they brought them back — with much better results.

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