Machine Learning Articles

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Will Koehrsen Will Koehrsen
Updated on August 26, 2022

Data Scientists, Your Variable Names Are a Mess. Clean Up Your Code.

Learn how to improve your code quality with clearer variable names.

Vihar Kurama Vihar Kurama
Updated on August 26, 2022

An Introduction to Deep Learning and Tensorflow 2.0

A hands-on guide to getting started with TensorFlow 2.0.

Sparsh Gupta Sparsh Gupta
Updated on August 25, 2022

Why Is Logistic Regression a Classification Algorithm?

Log odds, the baseline of logistic regression, explained.

Sparsh Gupta Sparsh Gupta
Updated on August 25, 2022

Anscombe’s Quartet: What Is It and Why Do We Care?

Before analyzing your data and building your model, you must first plot the data set. Anscombe’s quartet shows us why.

Sean Benhur Sean Benhur
Updated on August 25, 2022

A Friendly Introduction to Siamese Networks

You don’t always need a lot of data to train your machine learning model. Here’s how to do it with just a few images per class.

Sara A. Metwalli Sara A. Metwalli
Updated on August 23, 2022

Python Databases 101: How to Choose a Database Library

Whether you’re looking for SQL or NoSQL, here’s everything you need to know about choosing a Python database library for your project.

Sadrach Pierre Sadrach Pierre
Updated on August 23, 2022

Why Keras Is the Leading Deep Learning API

Keras’ user-friendly design means that, even with very little experience, researchers can usefully put it to work across a variety of fields.

Sadrach Pierre Sadrach Pierre
Updated on August 23, 2022

How Do People Feel About the COVID Vaccine?

Sentiment analysis is an AI-based task for determining popular attitudes about various subjects. Let’s use it to gauge attitudes toward the various COVID vaccines.

Rajeev Dutt Rajeev Dutt
Updated on August 22, 2022

Are You Sure You Can Trust That AI?

Knowing who trained the model, how, and with what data are all necessary before believing in any results.

Rahul Agarwal Rahul Agarwal
Updated on August 22, 2022

Why Do Machine Learning Projects Fail?

Think ahead to production so that you don’t let your machine learning project collapse before it even gets started.