Prudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support our people’s career ambitions. We pledge to make Prudential a place where you can Connect, Grow, and Succeed.
1. 經由電話、Line、文字客服、信箱提供外部通路銷售人員諮詢服務。
2. 透過內部會辦單及email跨單位協作,追縱管理與回覆諮詢問題。
3. 數位平台操作諮詢與異常問題回饋,並向權責單位提出異常通報與改善建議 。
4. 執行新契約生調作業。
5. 執行NPS回訪作業。
6. 提出系統需求改善建議,並進行UAT測試與相關文件製作。
7. 修訂標準服務流程與文件撰寫。
8. 協助內外部查核作業。
9. 績效報表分析與製作。
10. 人力調配、輪值班表排班。
1. 具有電話客服相關實務與管理經驗,大學畢業,商學/財經相關科系或具保險專業相關背景。
2. 熟悉3C操作、Word、Exce函數、樞紐分析與文書處理能力。
3. 良好溝通技巧與領導力。
4. 彈性應變能力與客戶導向思維。
Prudential is an equal opportunity employer. We provide equality of opportunity of benefits for all who apply and who perform work for our organisation irrespective of sex, race, age, ethnic origin, educational, social and cultural background, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, disability or part-time / fixed-term work, or any other status protected by applicable law. We encourage the same standards from our recruitment and third-party suppliers taking into account the context of grade, job and location. We also allow for reasonable adjustments to support people with individual physical or mental health requirements.
Top Skills
What We Do
In Asia and Africa, Prudential has been providing familiar, trusted financial security to people for 100 years. Today, headquartered in Hong Kong and London, we are ranked top three in 12 Asian markets with 18 million customers, around 68,000 average monthly active agents and access to over 27,000 bank branches in the region.
Prudential is focused on opportunities in the most exciting growth markets in Asia and Africa. With access to over 4 billion people in both these regions, we are investing in broadening our presence and building our leadership in the life and asset management markets.
We are committed to making a positive impact on our customers, our employees and our communities by delivering the best savings, health and protection solutions to people so they can get the most out of life. Visit our websites for more information
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