About Vibrantz Technologies
Vibrantz Technologies (“Vibrantz” or “Company”) is a leading global provider of specialty chemicals and materials solutions whose purpose is to bring color, performance and vibrancy to life. Every day, our employees, the products we make, and our valued customer partnerships are inspired by this purpose. Serving customers globally, our innovations are trusted in a variety of advanced materials, color solutions and performance coatings applications to enhance the hue, functionality, safety and environmental footprint of everyday consumer products. Our key competencies in particle engineering, glass and ceramic science and color technology enable benefits like more durable vehicles and batteries, easier-to-clean appliances, energy efficient roof tiles and bricks, stronger and more decorative glass, and eco-friendly paints. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Vibrantz has over 60 manufacturing facilities and sales offices on six continents and employs roughly 4,000 individuals. We are building a strong, shared culture that is rooted strongly in our six core values that focus on safety, our people, customers, excellence in all we do, environmental stewardship, and integrity, ethics, and trust. And we are intent upon fostering a workplace that engages employees’ heads, hands and - uniquely - their hearts.
Vibrantz is owned by American Securities, a leading U.S. private equity firm that invests in market-leading North American companies with annual revenue generally ranging from $200 million to $2 billion and/or $50 million to $200 million of EBITDA. American Securities and its affiliates have approximately $23 billion under management and are based in New York with an office in Shanghai.
For more information, please visit www.vibrantz.com and www.american-securities.com.
- Participa la intocmirea temelor de proiecte si imbunatatiri;
- Propune teme de proiecte si imbunatatiri;
- Urmareste desfasurarea proiectelor si asigura gestiunea pe faze a proiectelor in desfasurarea cat si in faza de validare.
- Contacteaza potentialii executanti si negocieaza preturile lucrarilor, indiferent de natura acestora (proiecte, executie, etc) ;
- Organizeaza activitatile necesare corespunzatoare realizarii proiectelor (fie de investitii, fie de imbunatatiri) ce i se repartizeaza;
- Elaboreaza desenele si schitele necesare pentru derularea proiectele de investitii repartizate si le prezinta pentru aprobare Directorului Tehnic;
- Supervizeaza montarea echipamentelor, urmarindu-le pana la punerea lor in functiune, pentru proiectele de investitii repartizate ;
- Urmareste efectuarea probelor tehnologice si atingerea parametrilor de functionare, conform documentatiei de executie ;
- Supervizeaza din punct de vedere tehnic si organizatoric realizarea proiectelor repartizate, precum si receptionarea subansamblelor, utilajelor componente si/sau lucrarilor necesare acestora;
- Cere oprirea, refacerea sau remedierea lucrarilor executate calitativ necorespunzator de catre firma care executa sau monteaza piese, subansamble sau echipamente necesare in derularea proiectului repartizat;
- Intocmeste propuneri pentru programul de investitii si imbunatatiri necesare procesului de productie;
- Urmareste indeplinirea termenelor de punere in functiune ale obiectivelor de investitii precum si a valorilor de investitii bugetate pentru proiectele de investitii repartizate;
- Controleaza calitatea lucrarilor desfasurate de catre alte firme sau de personalul propriu pentru proiectele de investitii repartizare;
- Planifica lucrarile de investitii executate de personalul propriu pentru proiectele repartizate;
- Asigura receptia pieselor de schimb, a subansamblelor sau utilajelor inaintea livrarii acestora, acolo unde este cazul
- Participa la proiecte interne si interdepartamentale;
- Mentine relatiile cu partenerii de afaceri in conformitate cu Codul de Conduita Ferro;
- Poate conduce masina societatii;
Romania - Doicesti
Vibrantz is committed to protecting your privacy. We provide a Website Privacy Policy located on our Vibrantz.com site to explain the type of information we collect and to inform you of the specific practices and guidelines that protect the security and confidentiality of your personal data. Please read that policy carefully. If any term in the policy is unacceptable to you, please do not use the Website or provide any personal data. This policy may change from time to time (see Revisions to Our Privacy Policy on Vibrantz.com).
Vibrantz Technologies Inc. (“Vibrantz”) is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. Vibrantz strictly prohibits and does not tolerate discrimination against employees, applicants, or any other covered persons because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, ethnicity, sex, gender, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.
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What We Do
Vibrantz Technologies is a leading global technology leader in color solutions, functional coatings and specialty minerals whose purpose is to bring color, performance and vibrancy to life in countless products across a broad array of end markets