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Ko-fi lets creators receive small tips from fans of their content. Anyone can create Ko-fi profile and share their personal Ko-fi link or embed a Ko-fi button on their site.
Each donation is roughly equal to the price of a coffee. We chose coffee as a friendly metaphor for showing support, but the money goes directly to the creator and they can spend it however they wish. You can think of Ko-fi as a digital tip-jar.
It's all free to use. All you need is a PayPal account to receive or send payments. We don't take any cut or get in the middle of the transaction, but note that PayPal may charge a small fee.
Each donation is roughly equal to the price of a coffee. We chose coffee as a friendly metaphor for showing support, but the money goes directly to the creator and they can spend it however they wish. You can think of Ko-fi as a digital tip-jar.
It's all free to use. All you need is a PayPal account to receive or send payments. We don't take any cut or get in the middle of the transaction, but note that PayPal may charge a small fee.
Ko-Fi Offices
Remote Workspace
Employees work remotely.
Typical time on-site:
United States