Area4 Labs
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When we couldn’t find the live music we love in our hometowns or other cities we visited, we created Area4 Labs. We help our partners across North America and the UK reconnect customers with their joy points using our real–time, AI-driven global music intelligence system. Our flagship experimental consumer lab, Hearby, located in our two hometowns of Boston, MA and Lexington, KY, allows us to cover the missing 60% of live music shows not covered elsewhere. By going deep into small venues, clubs, restaurants, and bars in neighborhoods where local live music happens, our anthropological approach results in expert curation, expanding audience choice from an abundance of live music, while increasing engagement and audience value. Simply put, Area4 Labs draws intensely passionate people across our diverse live music scenes, which helps our partners’ customers find and share live music (and their brands).
Area4 Labs Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA