Top Greensboro, NC Biotech Companies (4)
We believe in harnessing science for human good. And so we work day and night, around the world, to deliver answers for all your health questions—whether you’re a provider, drug developer, hospital, medical researcher or patient. That means everything from advancing diagnostic testing to helping launch new drugs, to offering new perspectives through data - all drawing from a deep well of scientific expertise. So when you need trusted information to make clear, confident health decisions, consider us your source.
Alrgn Bio is a Food Bioprocessing company providing hypoallergenic peanuts.
Piedmont Pharmaceuticals is focused on human and animal health therapeutics with expertise in parasitology and drug delivery systems.
DJO Global provides intelligent medical devices and services. DJO® is a global provider of high-quality orthopedic devices, and is a top provider in the United States among the largest such companies globally, as measured by revenues. What sets DJO apart is a focus on the continuum of care. This includes specializations across all three phases of care: performance and mobility, surgical intervention and post-operative rehabilitation. Our products are marketed under a portfolio of brands including Aircast®, Chattanooga®, CMF™, Compex®, DJO Surgical®, DonJoy®, Dr. Comfort®, Exo®, MotionMD® and ProCare®.
Work Your Passion. Live Your Purpose.