Genex Systems is seeking incumbent personnel at MSFC Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC) to support all phases of Ground Systems Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V). The successful candidate will help improve software safety, reliability, and quality for MSFC Ground Systems through effective applications of systems and software IV&V methods, practices, and techniques.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Execution of software/system test plans and procedures to include:
- Assessing and reporting the technical correctness and completeness of systems/software;
- Generation of IV&V test metrics; and
- Verification of traceability of the test procedures to requirements.
- Development of cost, technical and schedule inputs to the integrated review of engineering changes.
- Develop test plans and procedures that address both hardware and software elements, and internal and external interfaces.
- Develop test and integration reports including as-run procedures, test metrics, and impact analysis of faults found.
- Ensure that COTS and Government provided software, both applications and operating systems, meet the HOSC-specific requirements and are compatible with existing applications and integrated systems.
- Ensure that unique databases (e.g., command and/or telemetry) are compatible with the HOSC systems that utilize these databases.
- Assess the overall quality of system/software products
- Evaluate compliance with development-process standards
- For upgrades to existing mission services and new systems: analyze, inspect, test, and demonstrate that all system .requirements and designs are implemented according to specification.
- Perform test and integration of systems to ensure the performance and functionality of the system on an equivalent or completely operational platform.
Minimum Qualifications:
- US Citizenship
- Bachelor's degree in related field or equivalent experience
- Systems Engineering and/or Software Testing expertise
- Ability to obtain and maintain Public Trust clearance
- Knowledge of International Space Station (ISS) and Space Launch System (SLS) systems
What We Do
GENEX is a professional electrical contracting firm with experience in commercial and residential electrical projects, as well as alternative energy generation installations. GENEX focuses on helping business with energy saving, energy self sufficiency and energy security issues by offering a range of wind turbines, electrical generating equipment and induction lighting. The firm is a registered dealer for the following products: Generac.