*In this position, main language used is in Japanese. Please submit application materials both in Japanese & English*
Research Expert
Egon Zehnder's research experts team up with experienced consultants and work primarily on assignments in executive search projects. We are mainly looking for candidates in the consumer goods industry group, but will consult with you on the industry you are interested in working in based on your aspirations and experience.
- 顧客企業についての情報収集
- 担当業界における経営人材動向についての情報収集
- 候補者プールの初期的なリサーチ
- コンサルタントと共にサーチ戦略の構築
- 顧客ミーティングへの同行
- 顧客の求める要件に合った候補者発掘・コンタクト
- 候補者パイプラインの継続的な拡充
- 顧客との進捗状況ミーティングへの参加と資料準備の補助
- コンサルタント、クライアントへの顧客企業の情報、業界内の人材動向の継続的なアップデート
- マーケティング活動、エゴンゼンダーが開催するセミナーや会議へのサポート業務
- 業界、顧客企業、人材動向等各種情報収集とデータの管理
- 社内データベースのアップデート・管理、資料の作成
The main tasks are to collect and research information on the industry and key talents, and to manage databases.
Before the project starts:
- Gather information on client companies
- Gathering information on management talent trends in the industry for which you are responsible
- Initial research of candidate pool
- Developing search strategies together with consultants
- Accompanying clients to meetings
After the project starts:
- Identifying and contacting candidates that meet the client's requirements
- Continuous expansion of candidate pipeline
- Participate in progress meetings with clients and assist in preparing materials
- Provide ongoing updates to consultants and clients on client company information and industry trends
- Provide support for marketing activities, seminars and conferences organized by Egon Zehnder
- Gathering information and managing data on the industry, client companies, human resource trends, etc.
- Update and manage internal databases and prepare documents
Due to high volume, we will only be contacting applicants who meet all of the minimum requirements listed in the job description. Only those applicants who align most closely with our minimum and preferred qualifications will be contacted for an interview. The Recruiting team at Egon Zehnder will retain your application materials and may contact you regarding future opportunities.
- 業界のトレンドや、経営人材の動きに知見・ご興味のある方
- 異なる職種・地域のメンバーとのチームワークを重視して仕事ができる方
- 既存のやり方ではなく、新しいやり方を自分で見つけ挑戦できる方
- 例:新たな候補者プールの発掘に新しいアプローチを提案できる等
- スピード感のある日々の業務の中で、突発的な依頼にも臨機応変に対処できる方
- 様々な依頼の優先順位をつけて、複数のプロジェクトをこなせる方
- 最後まで責任を持って仕事ができる方
- 細部にこだわり正確に業務ができる方
- 例:データべース入力や資料作成が嫌でない等
- コンフィデンシャリティの高い情報をコンプライアンスを遵守し扱える方
- 顧客や同僚と上手くコミュニケーションが取れる、対人関係能力の高い方
- 協調性のある方
- 専門性を高め、落ち着いて働きたい方
We are looking for someone who has/is:
- Knowledge of and interest in industry trends and the movement of management personnel
- Able to work in a team environment with members from different professions and regions
- Can challenge herself/himself to find new way instead of the existing way of doing things
- Able to propose new approaches to finding new candidate pools, etc.
- Able to respond flexibly to unexpected requests in a fast-paced daily work environment
- Can prioritize various requests and handle multiple projects
- Able to take responsibility for work until the end
- Detail-oriented and accurate.
- Ability to handle highly confidential information in a compliant manner.
- Good interpersonal skills to communicate well with customers and co-workers
- Collaborative
- A desire to build and nurture his/her own professional expertise in long term
- 4年制大学卒業以上
- 8年以上の社会人経験
- ネイティブレベルの日本語力
- ビジネスレベルの英語力
- 英語でのクライアント及び社内との会議参加、メールのやりとり、グローバルトレーニング受講が可能なレベル(目安:TOEIC 850点以上)
- PCスキル
- Microsoftオフィス(ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント):業務上での使用経験
- Batchelor’s degree or higher
- Minimum 8 years of working experience
- Native level Japanese
- Business level English
- Ability to participate in client-facing and internal meetings, exchange emails, and attend global training courses in English (TOEIC score 850 or higher)
- PC skills
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint): Experience using Microsoft Office on the job
- コンサルティング会社・エグゼクティブサーチ会社におけるリサーチャー経験
- データベースを使った業務経験
- Experience as a researcher in management consulting or executive search firms
- Extensive work experience using databases
- フレックスタイム制度
- ハイブリッド勤務
- 年次有給制度
- 社会保険、労働保険完備
- 産前産後休暇、育児休業制度(一部有休扱い)
- Flex-hour work-rule
- Hybrid work (onsite and work-from-home)
- Annual paid leave
- Statutory social and labor insurance
- Paid maternity and child-care leave
About Us
Egon Zehnder is the world’s preeminent executive search and leadership advisory firm, inspiring leaders to navigate complex questions with human answers. We help organizations get to the heart of their leadership challenges and offer honest feedback and insights to help leaders realize their true being and purpose. We believe that together we can transform people, organizations and the world through leadership.
Our Offices
Since its founding in a Zurich townhouse in 1964, Egon Zehnder has grown to 64 offices in 36 countries.
Our Tokyo office was Egon Zehnder's first non-European location. Established in 1972, we are the oldest executive-search firm in Japan.
Today, our 20 consultants and 30-person staff advise on CEO successions, board effectiveness, corporate transformation, leadership assessment and development both for Japanese companies and global multinationals. We work with a wide array of companies in the financial service, life sciences, technology, industrial and consumer goods as well as private equity.
エゴンゼンダーは、文化的に多様で、公平で、包括的な組織の創造と育成に取り組んでいます。私たちは、職場における幅広いアイデア、視点、経験、スキルセットの価値を認識しています。Egon Zehnderの多様性と包括性への継続的なコミットメントについては、
What We Do
Egon Zehnder is the world’s preeminent leadership advisory firm, inspiring leaders to navigate complex questions with human answers. Our 600 consultants across 66 offices and 36 countries are former industry and functional leaders who collaborate seamlessly to deliver the full power of the Firm to every client, every time. We believe that together we can transform people, organizations and the world through leadership.