ORMチーム アシスタントマネージャー ORM Team Assistant Manager/オペレーショナルリスク管理部 Operational Risk Management Div.
(English follows)
【部署の説明/ Description about the division】
私たちは主に情報(IT)、詐欺、パーソナルおよびフィジカルセキュリティ、プロジェクト、外部委託や人事関連、危機/災害管理 (BCP BCP/DR)に関連するリスクを対象とし、事業目標および戦略に沿った適切なリスク管理体制を目指します。
【職務内容/ Job Description】
また、エヌエヌグループ共通のリスク管理フレームワークであるECF (Effective Control Framework)に沿って、全社的なリスク管理を主導します。
① オペレーショナルインシデント管理業務
② データを活用したオペレーショナルインシデント管理の効率化および最適化
③ ORM (Operational Risk Management) ドメインにおける、適切なリスク管理態勢の構築に向けたアクション (BAUの一部)
各リスク管理状況の評価実施および2nd Line Opinionの提示
CAS (Corporate Audit Services) 指摘事項に関する各部へのフォローアップ (アクショントラッキング)
④ NNグループ、FSA要件、および業界におけるプラクティスに基づき、オペレーショナルリスク管理に関連するガバナンスおよび管理体制の構築および継続的な改善を行う
NNグループのリスク管理フレームワークであるECF (Effective Control Framework)の改善、および強化
NNグループポリシー更新の通知およびGap Analysis実施のファシリテーション
オペレーショナルリスク管理をサポートするツール(iRisk, インシデント管理ツール, PBI, その他ツール)の導入、メンテナンス
【当該業務の魅力/ Selling Points of This Position】
【将来のキャリア展望/ Perspective of Future Career in this Position】
【経験・資格/ Qualification (Experience/ Certification)】
<業界経験/ Experience in Industry>
・ 生命保険/ Life Insurance:尚可/Better to have
・ 金融業界/ Financial Industry:尚可/Better to have
・コミュニケーションスキル (様々な立場の人とコミュニケーションができる・相手の立場に立って物事が考えられる)
Power BIによるレポート/ダッシュボード作成
【Description about the division】
Effective Risk Management is a key business priority for NN Life Japan and is vital to the successful delivery of the enterprise strategy.
Operational Risk Management Team is a risk oversight function that supports management and business functions to identify, mitigate and monitor risks in relation to processes, people and technology. The scope coverage includes primarily risks related to information (technology), Fraud, personal & physical security, project management, outsourcing, employment practice, and crisis/disaster management (BCP/DR). The functions goal is to ensure that appropriate controls are in place to mitigate risks aligned with the business goals and company strategy.
【Job Description】
The responsibilities are to oversee and manage operational incidents, including root cause analysis and reviewing and advising on measures to prevent recurrence of the incidents while communicating with the department responsible for the incident.
The job also entails analysis of incident trends using statistical data with recommendations on improvements. Regular reporting of incidents and their assessment to the management team is required. Support the ORM function in other additional risk management related tasks and initiatives.
And, lead the company wide risk management initiative in align with ECF (Effective Control Framework), which is the common risk management framework within NN Group.
① Operational incident management
Reception of the Operational Incidents Reports (including personal information leakage cases) that occur at the Head Office and Sales Offices, and perform initial assessment of the incidents (impact and risk level)
Communicate with incident reporter (person involved) and the division manager to facilitate and manage root cause analysis of the incidents and formulation of the measures to prevent recurrence
Confirm the appropriateness and sufficiency of the root cause analysis and the measures to prevent recurrence of the incident, and prepare a report for the management team
Create and submit report to FSA about the personal information leakage cases
② Improve and optimise operational incident management utilising available data
Analyze trends using statistical data on operational incidents, and prepare reporting materials for the management team as necessary to build an appropriate risk management system for the company
Actions for the system development to streamline the operational incident management
③ Actions to establish an appropriate risk management system in the Operational Risk Management (ORM) domain (as part of BAU)
Supports to the Risk Community
Assess Risk and Control and provide 2nd line opinion
Provide trainings on Operational Risk Management topics
Follow-up with each department on CAS (Corporate Audit Services) findings (Action Tracking)
④ Establish and continuously improve the Operational Risk Management governance and procedure complying to NN Group and/or FSA requirement and reflecting the market good practices
Improve, and enhance ECF (Effective Control Framework) as NN Group Risk Management Framework
Notify and coordinate NN Group Policy update and facilitate gap analysis
Digitalise (Implement and maintain tools to support) Operational Risk management (iRisk, Incident Management Tool, PBI, etc.)
Improve and optimise Operational Risk Management utilising available data (not limiting to Operational Risk Management related data but all available data in the company)
【Selling Points of This Position】
There are many opportunities to communicate not only with employees at the Head Office and Sales Offices, but also with the NNLJ's management team and members of NN Group in Netherlands, through which you can gain various experiences as a career step for your future.
【Perspective of Future Career in this Position】
ORM Division Manager
Operational Risk Management Specialist
【Qualification (Experience/ Certification)】
<Experience in Industry>
・ Life Insurance:Better to have
・ Financial Industry:Better to have
・Working experience and knowledge of Operational Risk Management, Internal Control and/or Audit function
・Bilingual with Japanese and English
・Facilitation skills
・Willing to learn and challenge new things
・Goal oriented - ability to set and work towards the goal (can-do attitude)
・Multi-tasking skill
・Communication skill (communicate with various people in different positions with good consideration)
・Project Management skills
・Working experience and knowledge of Operational Risk Management, Internal Control and/or Audit function
・Report/Dashboard creation utilizing Power BI
What We Do
NN Group is an international financial services company, active in 11 countries, with a strong presence in a number of European countries and Japan. Our roots lie in the Netherlands, with a rich history of more than 175 years.
With our 16,000 employees, NN Group provides retirement services, pensions, insurance, banking and investments to approximately 19 million customers. NN Group includes Nationale-Nederlanden, NN, ABN AMRO Insurance, Movir, AZL, BeFrank, OHRA and Woonnu.
NN Group opened for trading on 2 July 2014 on Euronext Amsterdam under the symbol ‘NN’ after its initial public offering (IPO).
For more than 175 years, our company has merged, grown and changed, but the core of who we are has remained the same. At NN Group, we put our resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of our customers, the advancement of our communities, the preservation of our planet, and for the promotion of a stable, inclusive, and sustainable economy.
Our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. Because what matters to them matters to us.