在Lalamove,我們致力帶給使用�最美好的物流服務體驗,透過我們的平台,以快速和方便的物流串連我們的社會! 想要了解電商平台以及數位物流領域的你,歡迎一起迎接挑戰,今天開始加�我們的行列!
- 利用即時通訊系統、郵件以及電話處理客戶的各類需求與問題
- 依��司標準流程處理客戶與司機夥伴諮詢、問題與抱怨
- 辨認複雜�難度之個案且提交給予資深團隊夥伴或主管
- 負責後台系統資料輸�,將客戶服務互動的細節以及各�相關數據、�容準錯無誤的登錄於系統中
- 將用戶反饋的資訊供給相關部門以達成服務流程優化
- �備客服導向之問題解決能力,以及能夠積極主動的找出解決辦法
- �備良好的溝通能力
- 我們希望你積極樂觀,踏實肯幹,對工作熱誠,主動有禮
- 能夠於週末、國定假日排班, 08:00~21:00(每日上班8小時+中間休息1小時),無大夜班
- 歡迎應屆畢業生或是無經驗�,我們有�足的教育訓練,帶你成為專業的客服人員
- 月薪31,000-35,000� (依能力核定薪資)
- 歡迎無經驗或�相關經驗�,薪資最終將依人選能力核定
歡迎勇於接受挑戰、�有企圖心的你加�Lalamove 的行列!
To all candidates- Lalamove respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data.
敬啟� – Lalamove十分重視您的隱私權,並致力於保護您的個人資料。
What We Do
Established in December 2013, Lalamove was created to make on-demand and same-day delivery possible for everyone at the touch of a button. Today, Lalamove operates in over 20 markets across Asia, Latin America, and the United States connecting over 7 million customers with a pool of over 700,000 driver partners. Our driver partners operate a vast array of vehicles to suit each market including lorries, trucks, vans and cars for deliveries of almost anything of any size. Fleets of two-wheel vehicles are also available for courier services providing fast and low-cost delivery solutions. Through dedicated mobile and web apps, Lalamove seamlessly connects users and drivers around the world to move things that matter.