Tune Therapeutics

Durham, North Carolina, USA
Total Offices: 2
93 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2020

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The vast majority of human disease is governed by the epigenome, the subtle machinery that controls the volume of gene expression in cells. Tune Therapeutics is pioneering the creation of epi-therapeutic medicines with its powerful and precise epigenomic control platform, TEMPO. Unlike genome editing, TEMPO dials the volume of gene expression up or down towards healthy levels, without breaking or permanently rewriting DNA – and it can do this in multiple genes at once. This genetic tuning approach allows us to change cell fate and function at will, unlocking the ability to reverse pathways of cancer, genetic disease and aging. Our approach effectively expands the potential reach of genetic medicine – from targeting a limited range of rare conditions, to overcoming thousands of complex and chronic diseases that currently have no curative treatment.

Tune Therapeutics Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

Typical time on-site: None
HQDurham, North Carolina, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA