Matthews Automation Solutions

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
161 Total Employees
Year Founded: 1994

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Global brands partner with Matthews Automation Solutions for innovative material handling technologies and proven vertical industry expertise. Matthews’ leading warehouse automation brands – Compass Engineering, Lightning Pick and Pyramid – drive efficiency, accuracy and speed in high-volume order fulfillment and distribution centers. Matthews’ advanced Pyramid Director and Compass CORS Warehouse Execution Software connects automated systems into one centralized stream, balancing work throughout the fulfillment process for optimum material flow, throughput and real-time visibility. Our software and controls maximize efficiency for new and existing material handling equipment including conveyor, loop sorters and order finishing systems. Matthews’ Lightning Pick brand is the leading pick-to-light system in North America, including put walls and automated batch picking carts.

Matthews Automation Solutions Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

Typical time on-site: None
HQCincinnati, Ohio, USA