Feeling Drained? Try Finding the Human Mosquitoes in Your Life.

Here’s how to protect yourself from colleagues who wear you down and tire you out.

Written by John Miles
Published on Jan. 05, 2024
A person swatting away mosquitoes.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Certain people in our lives seem to drain our energy as effortlessly as mosquitoes siphoning blood. This experience is disheartening and can be utterly exhausting.

The truth is, in our daily grind, we all encounter these human mosquitoes. These individuals, often unknowingly, suck out our vitality, leaving us feeling depleted and worn out. The tricky part? We usually don’t recognize their impact until it’s already too late and our energy reserves are critically low.

9 Signs Your Colleague Might Be a Mosquito

  1. They are always negative.
  2. They regularly overstep boundaries.
  3. They are emotionally exhausting to be around.
  4. They lack reciprocity and take more than they give. 
  5. They are manipulative. 
  6. They induce conflict and stir up trouble. 
  7. They undermine your abilities and accomplishments. 
  8. They negatively affect your work performance.
  9. Their presence creates a toxic work environment.

An astounding four out of five employees have worked alongside a toxic coworker, according to research by leadership development company Fierce Inc. research. Additionally, 58 percent of employees have left or are considering leaving their jobs due to negativity, office politics, and disrespectful behavior, according to research by workplace consultancy Randstad.

If that’s not enough, a 2023 Pepperdine University report reveals that 68 percent of employees believe office politics are prevalent in the workplace, with 29 percent feeling it hinders their career progression. In fact, nearly 40 percent of those surveyed would contemplate leaving a job due to internal politics, the report indicates.

There’s a way to break free from this cycle of energy depletion. Try these strategies for detecting human mosquitoes and protecting yourself from them. 

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How to Recognize a Human Mosquito

Recognizing these individuals is the first step in protecting your professional wellbeing. Here are three types of energy drainers you are likely to encounter.

The Bloodsucker

These people draw blood by often ignoring professional and personal boundaries. They might make intrusive demands on your time, question your decisions and offer unsolicited advice that leaves you feeling undermined and disrespected.

The Invisible Suffocator

Known for their negative outlook, these pessimists often engage in constant complaining, which can dampen the mood and affect morale in a team environment at work or in social gatherings.

The PITAS (Pains in the Ass)

Thriving on drama and conflict, this type of person instigates disputes and gossip, creating tension and discomfort in both professional settings and personal relationships.

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How to Protect Yourself From Energy Drainers

Dealing with human mosquitoes requires a proactive approach. Establishing boundaries is a crucial defense mechanism against these energy drainers. Boundaries are about more than saying no; they’re about creating a healthy space for yourself where your energy and well-being are prioritized. Here’s how to set effective boundaries.

Identify Your Limits

Start by understanding your own limits, such as what tasks or behaviors drain your energy. Is it constant interruptions, multitasking or negative office gossip? Consider also your emotional and mental limits — how much stress can you handle before it affects your work quality or mental health? Understanding these nuances is crucial in defining boundaries that are tailored to your specific needs and work style.

Once you’ve identified these limits, acknowledge that they are legitimate and worth protecting. This step, often overlooked, is essential for setting boundaries that you truly believe in and are willing to enforce. Remember, your limits are a reflection of your values, work style and personal needs, and they deserve to be respected.

Communicate Clearly

Clear communication is key in establishing your boundaries. State your limits and explain the rationale behind them. This helps others understand your perspective and makes it more likely that they will respect your boundaries. For example, if you need a quiet environment to concentrate, explain how constant interruptions not only disrupt your workflow but also affect the quality of your work.

Be assertive yet respectful in your communication. This means being firm about your boundaries while also being open to discussion and compromise where appropriate. For instance, if a colleague often asks for help when you’re busy, suggest an alternative time when you’re more available. This approach shows that you’re not just setting boundaries for your own sake but are also considerate of others’ needs.

be Consistent

Consistency in enforcing your boundaries means setting boundaries and sticking to them. If you’ve communicated that you’re not available for work calls after hours, for instance, do not make exceptions unless it’s an emergency. This consistency sends a clear message about your limits and helps others to adjust their expectations and behavior accordingly.

Being consistent also involves being prepared to address boundary violations every time they occur. This might feel uncomfortable initially, especially if you’re not used to asserting yourself, but it’s essential for maintaining your boundaries. Each time you enforce a boundary, you’re reinforcing the importance of your own needs and wellbeing.

Practice Self Care

Setting boundaries is an act of self care. It’s about recognizing your worth and giving yourself permission to prioritize your wellbeing. This might mean taking regular breaks throughout the day to prevent burnout or turning down additional responsibilities when you’re already stretched thin. Listen to your body and mind, and give yourself the care and attention you need.

Practicing self care also involves being aware of the signs that you’re reaching your limits. This could be feelings of stress, anxiety or just being overwhelmed. Recognizing these signs early on can help you take proactive steps to reinforce your boundaries and take care of yourself before you reach a breaking point.

Seek Support When You Need It

Sometimes, maintaining boundaries requires outside support. This could be in the form of a mentor at work, a supportive friend or a professional counselor. Talking to someone about the challenges you’re facing can provide new insights and strategies for upholding your boundaries. It also offers emotional support, which can be invaluable when you’re feeling pressured or unsure.

In a workplace setting, involve HR or management if you’re dealing with a situation beyond your control, such as harassment or unreasonable demands from a superior. These situations often require intervention at a higher level. Use the resources available to you to protect your wellbeing.


Adjust as Necessary

Boundaries can and should evolve as your circumstances change. This could be due to changes in your personal life, a shift in your job role or new dynamics in your workplace. Regularly reevaluating your boundaries ensures that they remain relevant and effective in protecting your well-being.

Adjusting your boundaries also means being flexible and adaptable. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you might need to bend your boundaries in response to unforeseen circumstances. The key is to make these adjustments consciously and not let them become the new norm. After the situation has passed, reestablish your original boundaries to maintain that essential balance between work and personal life.

Moving away from toxic individuals, including human mosquitoes, in both personal and professional realms is a transformative journey that aligns your life with your core values and aspirations. When you consciously distance yourself from negative influences, you pave the way for a life marked by growth, ease and intentionality. Aligning with people who share your values, support your aspirations and energize your spirit is not just a choice but a necessity for a life of purpose and joy.

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