How brave are you? We are a high-tech company providing machine tools and laser technology, and are looking for people who can face new challenges with a fresh mind. As an independent family company, we offer you the freedom and trust to put your brave ideas into practice. With you on board, we would like to power ahead with the digital networking of the manufacturing industry. Our passion and creative drive ensure that we are an innovative force – across the globe at over 80 TRUMPF locations.
- 客先の潜在的なニーズをいかにくみ取り、自社の製品の強みを織り込んだ提案ができるかどうか。また、常に社内の技術チームやサービスチームとの良好な関係を構築し、客先で発生する製品の問題や課題に対して適切なサポートや解決策を提供すること。さらに、これらの活動を通して客先との着実な関係構築を実現し信頼を得ること。
(必須)営業職経験 3 年以上(機械・電子機器・ソフトウェアなど尚可)・普自免許
- 誠意と粘り強さをもって顧客との継続的且つ良好な関係を構築でき、代理店管理をしっかりと行える方。社内の異なるチームとのコミュニケーションとチームワークに前向きに取り組み、組織の目標達成にコミットできる方。
What We Do
TRUMPF - a guarantor of innovation in production technology
The high-technology company TRUMPF offers production solutions in the machine tool, laser and electronics sectors. The company is driving digital connectivity in manufacturing industry through consulting, platform and software offers. TRUMPF is the world technological and market leader for machine tools used in flexible sheet metal processing, and also for industrial lasers.