Freelance Graphic Designer フリーランス グラフィックデザイナー, Japan

Posted 5 Days Ago
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Artificial Intelligence • Fintech • Software • Financial Services
The Role
The Freelance Graphic Designer will develop creative concepts for digital and print, create graphics and layouts, ensure brand consistency, manage multiple projects, collaborate with project managers, and design for digital platforms. Candidates should have proven experience, strong project management skills, and excellent communication skills.
Summary Generated by Built In


About Us

At Bjak, we're on a mission to provide access to affordable and sustainable financial services for people in ASEAN. Headquartered in Malaysia, Bjak is the largest insurance portal in Southeast Asia. Our main portal,, assists millions in finding the best value and highest coverage insurance policies. Our investments in cutting-edge technology such as Custom API, trading systems, and data science enable easy access to financial services that were previously inaccessible or difficult to understand.

Our core strengths lie in navigating complex regulations and environments, creating some of the most innovative products in the world. For instance, we are the first platform globally to simplify and offer investment-linked life and health insurance online, coupled with an instant talk-to-agent service.

If you enjoy building cutting-edge platforms and ecosystems to provide equal access to financial services for the masses, we'd love to speak with you!

Visit our website to learn more about us:


  • Creative Visionary: Develop creative concepts and translate them into compelling visual designs for digital and print mediums. クリエイティブなコンセプトを開発し、それをデジタルおよび印刷媒体の魅力的なビジュアルデザインに変換します。
  • Design Guru: Create eye-catching graphics, illustrations, and layouts that align with our brand. ブランドに沿った目を引くグラフィック、イラストレーション、レイアウトを作成します。
  • Brand Consistency Champion: Ensure brand consistency across all design elements and contribute to the brand's visual evolution. すべてのデザイン要素においてブランドの一貫性を確保し、ブランドの視覚的進化に貢献します。
  • Project Juggler: Manage multiple design projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality work. 複数のデザインプロジェクトを同時に管理し、期限を守り、高品質な作業を提供します。
  • Collaborative Partner: Work closely with project managers to ensure timely and efficient project execution. プロジェクトマネージャーと密接に連携し、タイムリーかつ効率的なプロジェクト実行を確保します。
  • Typography & Layout Expert: Demonstrate a strong understanding of typography, layout, and composition. タイポグラフィ、レイアウト、構成に関する強い理解を示します。
  • Audience Connector: Create designs that effectively communicate the intended message and resonate with the target audience. 意図したメッセージを効果的に伝え、ターゲットオーディエンスに共感するデザインを作成します。
  • Digital Designer: Prepare designs for digital platforms, including social media, websites, and email campaigns. ソーシャルメディア、ウェブサイト、メールキャンペーンを含むデジタルプラットフォーム向けのデザインを準備します。
  • Proven Experience: Proven experience as a Graphic Designer, with a portfolio showcasing a diverse range of design projects. 実績のあるグラフィックデザイナーとしての経験を持ち、多様なデザインプロジェクトを展示するポートフォリオを持っています。
  • Trend Savvy: Familiarity with Taiwan design trends and cultural aesthetics. 台湾のデザイントレンドと文化的美学に精通しています。
  • Project Management Skills: Strong project management skills with the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. 複数のタスクを同時に処理する能力を持つ強力なプロジェクト管理スキルを備えています。
  • Excellent Communicator: Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively in a cross-cultural environment. 優れたコミュニケーションスキルと、異文化環境で効果的に協力する能力を備えています。
  • Digital Design Knowledge: Understanding of digital design principles and experience in creating designs for various digital platforms. デジタルデザインの原則を理解し、さまざまなデジタルプラットフォーム向けのデザインを作成した経験があります。
  • Fluency in English: Fluent in English (spoken and written) for effective communication within the team and with stakeholders. チーム内および利害関係者との効果的なコミュニケーションのために、英語(話し言葉および書き言葉)に堪能です。
  • Fast moving, challenging and unique business problems 動きが速く、挑戦的でユニークなビジネス問題
  • Strong learning and development plans for your career growth キャリア成長のための強力な学習および開発計画
  • International work environment and flat organization 国際的な作業環境とフラットな組織
  • Competitive salary 競争力のある給与
  • Enjoy the flexibility of Freelancing and earn extra income! フリーランスの柔軟性を楽しんで追加収入を得ましょう!

Top Skills

Digital Design
Graphic Design
Project Management
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The Company
Selangor, Selangor
253 Employees
On-site Workplace
Year Founded: 2019

What We Do

Our mission is to develop technology based solutions to improve financial inclusion.

We develop new & innovative platforms & services globally. For example, we are the first platform to simplify and digitise comprehensive life and medical insurance, supported by AI agent. BJAK is the largest insurance platform in Southeast Asia.

If you enjoy building cutting edge platform-ecosystems that gives equal access to financial services to everyone at scale, join us

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