What Is Geospatial Intelligence?

Geospatial Intelligence provides transformative insights by connecting location data with other spatial and non-spatial data. This is how it works.

Written by Abdishakur Hassan
Geospatial intelligence image of a glob with criss-crossing lines going in all different directions symbolizing the pathways of information
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Brennan Whitfield | Dec 07, 2023

Geospatial intelligence is the ability to process and make decisions based on spatial data. Spatial data is a set of information that describes locations in space. 

A large percentage of the data we use today is linked to physical locations. Hence, geospatial intelligence is practical knowledge that requires not only displaying location data but also a deep understanding of where things are, why they are and what is likely to happen in a certain location. By gathering spatial data and using critical spatial analytics, we can solve real-world problems. 

In the business world, you’ll hear this referred to as location intelligence. In the defense industry, it’s known as GEOINT. Despite the difference in names, geospatial intelligence serves to harness spatial data through spatial analytics and reasoning. 

What Is Geospatial Intelligence?

Geospatial intelligence (also known as location intelligence or GEOINT) is the practice of collecting information and making decisions based on the analysis of spatial data and imagery, which is data that references a specific geographical location.

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Why Is Geospatial Intelligence Important?

Business leaders, military officers and public service providers rely on geospatial intelligence insights to plan events, manage markets and respond to emergencies. Use cases of geospatial intelligence are widely spread across domains and industries. Whether we use geospatial intelligence for military, business or public service, it’s critical to providing insights into what happens on Earth, where it happens and why. 

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How Does Geospatial Intelligence Work?

Geospatial intelligence helps organizations visualize and analyze spatial data to understand why a certain place or feature is important for a given issue. Spatial information is not intelligence per se; instead, the insights we derive from geospatial intelligence are its real value. 

For example, we can use satellite imagery to see where things are on Earth in order to provide contextual foundations but we need an analyst to synthesize and communicate information in an organized way to develop a comprehensive intelligence product. Artificial intelligence is, however, revolutionizing geospatial intelligence practices through the automatic classification and detection of objects from satellite imagery.

What Is Geospatial Intelligence? | Video: National Geospatial Intelligence Agency


Advantages of Geospatial Intelligence

Stacking different layers of spatial data to produce geospatial intelligence provides many benefits.

Helps Identify Relationships in Spatial Data

Geospatial intelligence helps us identify the relationship between different spatial data sets, which is not readily available without layering together and scrutinizing locational data.


Provides Detailed Location Information

In addition, geospatial intelligence provides detailed information about where things, people or critical resources are located.


Can help determine probability of Disasters

Geospatial intelligence practices can help prevent disasters by helping us develop models for determining the probability of an event happening in the future.

This can be particularly helpful when tracking the likelihood of a natural disaster or disease outbreak.

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Disadvantages of Geospatial Intelligence

Intricate and Discipline-Specific

Despite its many benefits, the main drawback is that spatial intelligence has many components, techniques and processes you need to pull together to achieve your objectives. It’s truly a discipline-specific practice. 


Software Packages Will Vary Between Applications

No software package can offer all the spatial intelligence functionality you need across disciplines, industries or applications. The applications of spatial intelligence in defense, for example, are much different than their application in real estate, and as such require different kinds of geospatial intelligence software.


What Software and Tools Are Used in Geospatial Intelligence?

Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) software play a key role in geospatial intelligence. Specialized software like ENVI and ArcGIS spatial analyst or defense mapping can leverage images from satellites and drones, as well as spatial vector data. Google Earth also provides basic functionality for geospatial intelligence purposes. Additionally, we can use many open-source GIS software to derive geospatial intelligence insights, including QGIS and GRASS.  


Geospatial Intelligence Example

A great example of spatial intelligence is the classic story of John Snow’s 1854 London cholera map. People generally believed cholera was caused by poisonous air. By investigating and collecting data on water pumps and the death toll, Dr. John Snow concluded that cholera is a waterborne disease. Mapping out the water pump locations and overlaying the death toll on each street, it became clear the Broadway street pump had far greater death numbers than others. Thus, removing the handle from the street ended the 1854 epidemic. 

Geospatial intelligence image of the cholera outbreak map described above
John Snow Cholera Map, 1854. | Source: Wikimedia.

This example illustrates the power of location intelligence. Today, geospatial intelligence not only serves to track disease outbreaks, as in the case of this example, but also helps managers, public servants, defense personnel and other professionals for whom location is an integral component of their job performance. 


Frequently Asked Questions

An example of geospatial intelligence is a weather center using satellite imagery to actively monitor the location and trajectory of an incoming hurricane. 

Geospatial intelligence is the practice of analyzing geospatial data and extracting insights to help make decisions, whether for public service, military or other operations. GIS, or a geographic information system, is a computer system used to store and manage geospatial data. It is a tool and type of technology that can help facilitate geospatial intelligence collection.

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