
Benefits at Nisos
We offer a total rewards program that provides compensation and benefits with personal growth opportunities and create an environment where team members are inspired by, enabled to execute on, and aligned with our mission and goals, and feel highly satisfied with their work at Nisos.
Financial + Retirement
401(K) matching
Company equity
Performance bonus
Child Care + Parental Leave
Adoption Assistance
Family medical leave
Generous parental leave
Fertility benefits
Office Perks
Commuter benefits
Company-sponsored outings
Fitness stipend
Onsite gym
Onsite office parking
Pet friendly
Some meals provided
Home-office stipend for remote employees
Mother's room
Professional Development
Continuing education stipend
Job training & conferences
Online course subscriptions available
Paid industry certifications
Promote from within
Lunch and learns
Continuing education available during work hours
Personal development training
Virtual coaching services
Health Insurance + Wellness
Dental insurance
Disability insurance
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Health insurance
Life insurance
Pet insurance
Vision insurance
Wellness programs
Mental health benefits
Diversity manifesto
Documented equal pay policy
Highly diverse management team
Mean gender pay gap below 10%
Mandated unconscious bias training
Hiring practices that promote diversity
Volunteer in local community
Flexible work schedule
Open door policy
Open office floor plan
Remote work program
Team based strategic planning
OKR operational model
Employee resource groups
Employee-led culture committees
Day off for your birthday
Quarterly engagement surveys
Hybrid work model
In-person revenue kickoff
Employee awards
Vacation + Time Off
Paid volunteer time
Paid holidays
Paid sick days
Unlimited vacation policy
Flexible time off
Bereavement leave benefits