Why Skills Programs Are Vital for Employees Today

Employees today think about work differently. That’s why having a great learning and development program is so important.

Written by Nikhil Arora
Published on Jul. 09, 2024
A group of employees attend a training session
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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In todays dynamic workplace, employees are eager for growth opportunities. Upskilling and reskilling programs have become essential, not just perks, for a motivated and engaged workforce. As the work environment evolves, employees must acquire new skills to remain relevant and competitive.

Secondly, employees value workplace training as part of their personal development. Learning is more than just a job requirement or a box to tick; it’s an opportunity to pursue bigger career goals and fuel personal interests, which contribute to individual well-being.

So, whats driving this more holistic perspective of learning and development? A fundamental shift in how people view their jobs. Let’s explore how these attitudes have evolved.

6 Ways to Build Effective Training Programs

  • Nurture a culture of continuous learning.
  • Promote cross-functional education opportunities.
  • Provide mentoring.
  • Focus training on personal growth and well-being.
  • Lead by example.
  • Choose the right tools.

More in L&DDo Your Learning & Development Programs Work?


What’s Motivating Employees to Learn New Skills? 

According to recent research from corporate learning management system TalentLMS and recruiting and hiring management software Workable, personal growth ranked as the number one reason employees want training opportunities. 

Respondents place value on learning that goes deeper than just professional advancement. According to the report, 77 percent of employees say learning new skills gives them a sense of purpose. This finding is not so surprising given how the view of the workplace has evolved in recent years. 

People want their work to have meaning. They want a sense of purpose and inspiration, both on and off the job. This increased emphasis on personal development means a new way of looking at learning in the corporate environment.


Employees Have a New Mindset That Benefits Everyone

Previously, many people saw learning and development as a tool to help them stand out from colleagues and progress in their careers. Although these characterizations are accurate, they are limiting. Today, employees put personal growth higher on their list of values as they take a more holistic view of their jobs. 

An individual with a growth mindset will more likely view training as an opportunity for personal and professional development instead of a mandated task they must complete. These individuals will also seek training that extends beyond mere compliance requirements and explore opportunities for both hard and soft skills development.

Employees who seek out training for personal growth also reap rewards professionally. For instance:

  • Greater Fulfillment at Work. Learning keeps the mind sharp, boosts creativity and can lead to a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.
  • More Opportunities for Career Advancement. Upskilling and reskilling equip employees with the latest knowledge and tools, making them strong contenders for promotions and new opportunities within the company.
  • Greater Engagement and Motivation. Learning opportunities can spark curiosity, foster a sense of purpose, and make work more stimulating. 

When employees embrace a continuous learning mindset, organizations benefit, too. An educated and happy workforce offers many benefits, including:  

  • Improved Agility. Employees who value learning see challenges as opportunities to grow. They can respond quickly to changes in the workplace and are more poised to innovate.
  • Increased Collaboration. Employees participate in knowledge-sharing with colleagues to find the best way to accomplish the work at hand. 
  • Better Retention. Happy employees are more likely to stay with your company and continue to grow with you.
  • Higher Engagement. Employees who see a direct link between their learning goals and business outcomes will be more engaged in their growth.
  • Higher Productivity. Employees who enjoy learning are more likely to apply their skills on the job where they’ll boost your bottom line and keep your organization at the forefront of your industry.

So, how can you develop a growth mindset in your organization? Every company is different, but there are some basic strategies everyone can embrace. 


How to Improve Skills Development Programs

Supporting ongoing employee development must be a top priority, viewing your people as a strategic asset just like any other business investment. Begin by aligning your business needs with employees’ desires for personal growth. Here are six strategies.

1. Nurture a Culture Of Continuous Learning

Let your people know that ongoing learning is a core company value. Provide educational opportunities and show employees you support their development efforts. Tactics might include the following:

  • Make learning resources and training courses widely available through your learning management system (LMS).
  • Find ways to recognize and reward learning achievements. For instance, announce achievements in team meetings or offer prizes for those who complete specific courses. 
  • Share success stories in company all-hands meetings. Publicize KPIs that show how updated skills affect the companys bottom line or tell anecdotes about how an employee applied the new skills to save a client from pain.
  • Incorporate training sessions into daily work schedules. Do a skill brush up course during team meetings or host regular lunch and learns.
  • Set aside time for on-the-job learning when employees can pursue courses that meet their individual career goals.

2. Promote Cross-Functional Education Opportunities

Encourage employees to expand their skills beyond their immediate roles, helping them gain a broader perspective on their work and align with their personal career goals, through:

  • Formal Education Opportunities. Provide access to courses in unrelated fields or allow employees time off for educational pursuits.
  • On-the-Job Learning. Foster cross-functional collaboration and peer-to-peer learning by hosting rotational programs or forming cross-department teams.

Working across departments not only exposes employees to different viewpoints but also pushes them out of their comfort zones, promoting innovation and creative problem-solving.

3. Provide Mentoring

Take advantage of internal mentoring and coaching to facilitate learning from colleagues. Pair employees with more experienced team members who can offer tailored advice, support, and encouragement.

  • Shadowing and Regular Meetings: Arrange for employees to shadow senior team members or regularly meet with someone from another team they aspire to join.
  • Aligning with Personal Aspirations: Ensure mentoring efforts are aligned with each employee’s personal and professional goals, providing a clear path for growth and development.

4. Focus Training on Personal Growth and Well-Being

Remember that employees see ongoing development as a contributor to personal growth and happiness. Make sure you offer training that supports this vision. Expand typical training offerings to include courses on soft skills that underpin personal growth. For example, include modules on leadership, emotional intelligence, resilience, communication, and critical thinking.

5. Lead by Example

If you want employees to adopt a culture of continuous learning, you need to “walk the talk.” Show them that you live by the values you promote. Leaders can model a continuous learning mindset by participating in training opportunities themselves. They can also openly share experiences and insights from their learning journeys with their teams.

6. Choose the Right Tools

Learning technology has come a long way in recent years, and the right tools can make every aspect of your strategy easier. A good LMS helps engage learners and personalize learning paths for a high-quality training experience.

Look for a learning platform that’s simple to use. Learners can get discouraged when they struggle to log in and navigate training. Further, take advantage of your platform’s features for tailoring learning content. Create paths tailored to individual needs and learning styles and offer employees choices to ensure the training is relevant. 

A Focus on LearningWhat Is Continuous Learning and Why Is It Important?


Upskilling for an Empowered Workforce

The desire for personal growth is the greatest driving force behind employee motivation for upskilling. Creating a culture of continuous learning isn’t just a current trend; it’s a long-term strategy for success. By prioritizing continuous learning opportunities, companies are investing in empowered employees who are intrinsically motivated, adaptable, and eager to contribute to their expanding skill set. 

Cultivating a culture of continuous learning helps fulfill employees’ motivations by providing them with the tools and opportunities to pursue their personal and professional goals. This approach ultimately builds a more skilled, engaged and stronger-performing workforce. When employees see that their development is valued, they become more committed, innovative, and productive, leading to a more agile and successful organization.

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