Understanding the RMSprop Optimizer: A Guide

Root mean square propagation (RMSProp) is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm designed to improve training and convergence speed in deep learning models.

Published on Feb. 26, 2025
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Root mean square propagation (RMSProp) is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm designed to improve training and convergence speed in deep learning models.

If you are familiar with deep learning models, particularly deep neural networks, you know that they rely on optimization algorithms to minimize the loss function and improve model accuracy. Traditional gradient descent methods, such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), update model parameters by computing gradients of the loss function and adjusting weights accordingly. However, vanilla SGD struggles with challenges like slow convergence, poor handling of noisy gradients, and difficulties in navigating complex loss surfaces.

What Is RMSProp?

Root mean square propagation (RMSprop) is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm designed to helps training be more stable and improve convergence speed in deep learning models. It is particularly effective for non-stationary objectives and is widely used in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs).


RMSProp Algorithm

RMSprop builds on the limitations of standard gradient descent by adjusting the learning rate dynamically for each parameter. It maintains a moving average of squared gradients to normalize the updates, preventing drastic learning rate fluctuations. This makes it well-suited for optimizing deep networks where gradients can vary significantly across layers.

The algorithm for RMSProp looks like this:

RMSprop illustration of the process.
RMSprop algorithm steps illustrated. | Image: Shesh Narayan Gupta

Compute the gradients as partial derivative of the loss function fx with respect to the model parameters at time step t:

fx at xt​ is given by gt=dfdx

Compute the moving average of squared gradients:


Normalize the Learning Rate:

rmsprop equation


  • gt is the gradient of the loss function at time step t.
  • E[g^2]t ​ is the exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients.
  • β (typically 0.9) controls the decay rate.
  • ϵ epsilonϵ is a small constant to prevent division by zero.
  • ηis the learning rate.
  • The denominator ensures that the update step is scaled down for large gradients and scaled up for small gradients.

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RMSProp Steps

1. Compute the Moving Average of Squared Gradients

Instead of using the raw gradient gt​, RMSprop keeps track of the squared gradient using an exponentially decaying moving average: 



  • gt ​is the gradient of the loss function at time step t.
  • E[g^2]t ​ is the exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients.
  • β (typically 0.9) controls the decay rate.

2. Normalize the Learning Rate 

The update rule for RMSprop adjusts the parameter using:

Rmsprop equation


  • ϵ epsilonϵ is a small constant to prevent division by zero.
  • ηis the learning rate.
  • The denominator ensures that the update step is scaled down for large gradients and scaled up for small gradients.

Why This Works

  • Stabilized Updates: Large gradients result in smaller updates, preventing drastic changes in parameters.
  • Adaptive Learning Rate: Parameters with consistently large gradients have reduced step sizes, while parameters with small gradients retain a relatively larger learning rate.
  • Better Convergence: Helps training on complex landscapes with varying curvature by smoothing updates.


RMSProp Example

Let’s take a simple example to see how RMSprop works in practice. Suppose we are trying to minimize a function fx using RMSprop.

1. Enter Data

  • Initial parameter: x0=2.0
  • Learning rate: η=0.1
  • Decay rate: β=0.9
  • Small constant: ϵ=10-8
  • Gradient at each step: We assume the gradient of the function fx at xt​ is given by gt=dfdx

Let’s assume the gradient values at each step:

rmsprop iteration table
Gradient values table. | Image: Shesh Narayan Gupta


2. Compute RMSprop Updates

RMSprop maintains a moving average of squared gradients:


The parameter update rule is:

rmsprop equation

Let’s calculate this for a few steps.

Iteration 1

E[g²]₁ = 0.9(0) + (1 - 0.9)(0.5²) = 0.025

x₁ = 2.0 - (0.1 / √(0.025 + 10⁻⁸)) × 0.5

x₁ = 1.842

Iteration 2

E[g²]₂ = 0.9(0.025) + (1 - 0.9)(0.4²) = 0.0325

x₂ = 1.842 - (0.1 / √(0.0325 + 10⁻⁸)) × 0.4

x₂ = 1.762

Iteration 3

E[g²]₃ = 0.9(0.0325) + (1 - 0.9)(-0.3²) = 0.0344

x₃ = 1.762 - (0.1 / √(0.0344 + 10⁻⁸)) × (-0.3)

x₃ = 1.916

Iteration 4

E[g²]₄ = 0.9(0.0344) + (1 - 0.9)(-0.2²) = 0.0325

x₄ = 1.916 - (0.1 / √(0.0325 + 10⁻⁸)) × (-0.2)

x₄ = 2.027


Advantages of RMSprop

  • Adaptive Learning Rates: Unlike standard gradient descent, RMSprop adjusts learning rates dynamically, helping to maintain stable convergence.
  • Better Handling of Non-Stationary Problems: Ideal for reinforcement learning and RNNs, where loss landscapes can change over time.
  • Faster Convergence: By smoothing gradient updates, RMSprop avoids oscillations and speeds up training.


Limitations of RMSProp

  • The choice of the decay factor (β) and learning rate (η) can significantly impact performance.
  • It does not consider momentum directly, unlike Adam, which combines RMSprop with momentum.


RMSProp vs. Adam

Both RMSprop and Adam dynamically adjust learning rates for each parameter, but they differ in how they update gradients.


RMSprop uses an exponentially decaying average of squared gradients to normalize updates:


rmsprop equation

This stabilizes training by dampening oscillations, making it effective for non-stationary problems like RNNs and reinforcement learning.


Adam improves on RMSprop by adding momentum, tracking both the moving average of gradients and squared gradients:

rmsprop equation

rmsprop equation

rmsprop equation



  • is the gradient of the loss function at time step
  • is the moving average of the gradient, acting as momentum for smoother updates.
  • is the moving average of the squared gradient, normalizing learning rates.
  • is the decay rate for momentum (commonly 0.9), controlling how past gradients affect updates.
  • is the decay rate for squared gradients (commonly 0.999), ensuring stability.
  • ​,are the bias-corrected versions of ​ and ​, compensating for initial underestimation.
  • η is the learning rate, defining step size for parameter updates.
  • ϵ is the small constant (e.g., 10-8) to prevent division by zero.
  • is the model parameters (weights) at time step  

Adam balances speed and stability, making it a better general-purpose optimizer than RMSprop.

A tutorial on how RMSprop works. | Video: DeepLearningAI

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RMSProp vs. Standard Gradient Descent

Gradient descent updates the parameters of a model by computing the gradient of the loss function with respect to each parameter. The standard update rule in SGD is:

rmsprop equation


  • θt​ represents the parameter at time step t.
  • η is the learning rate (a fixed value).
  • gt is the gradient of the loss function at t.

Issues with SGD:

  • Sensitive to Learning Rate Choice: A large η can cause the model to overshoot the minimum, while a small η slows convergence.
  • Oscillations in Training: If the loss function has steep and shallow directions, the gradient updates can vary significantly, leading to instability.

To address these limitations, advanced optimization techniques introduce adaptive learning rates and momentum-based updates. Among these, RMSprop stands out as a widely used method for stabilizing training and speeding up convergence.

RMSprop improves upon standard SGD by adjusting the learning rate dynamically for each parameter. Instead of using a fixed learning rate, it maintains a moving average of squared gradients to scale updates, preventing drastic fluctuations. This technique is particularly useful for models dealing with sparse or noisy gradients, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Comparison with Other Optimizers

Learning algorithm comparison table
RMSprop compared to other algorithms. | Image: Shesh Narayan Gupta

RMSprop is a powerful optimization algorithm that stabilizes training in deep learning models, particularly for problems with high variance in gradients. While Adam is often preferred for general-purpose deep learning tasks, RMSprop remains a strong choice for recurrent networks and reinforcement learning applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

RMSprop (Root Mean Square Propagation) is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm primarily used to stabilize training in deep learning models. It is particularly effective for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and problems with non-stationary objectives, such as reinforcement learning. RMSprop adjusts learning rates based on the moving average of squared gradients, preventing drastic updates and ensuring smooth convergence. By dynamically scaling learning rates, it helps models learn efficiently in cases where gradient magnitudes vary significantly across different parameters.


Both RMSprop and Adam are adaptive learning rate optimizers, but they serve different purposes. RMSprop adjusts learning rates per parameter using a moving average of squared gradients, making it great for training RNNs and reinforcement learning models where gradients tend to fluctuate.

Adam, on the other hand, combines RMSprop with momentum, balancing adaptive learning with past gradient history for faster convergence and more stable training. If you’re unsure which to pick, Adam is generally the better default choice due to its robust performance across most deep learning tasks.

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