What Is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?

An IDE is designed to help developers write, compile and debug their code more efficiently.

Written by Quazi Nafiul Islam
Published on Jul. 15, 2024
A piece of paper that says “IDE Integrated Development Environment” surrounded by a pen, calculator, magnifying glass and bar graphs on paper.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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When developers first started writing code for mainframe computers, there was a lot that needed to be done.

For instance, the program needed to be edited, requiring an editor to actually type out the code. This might be something that we take for granted today, but when the idea of integrated development environments first emerged, the world was slowly moving out of the era of punch card computers.

In search of ever-greater productivity, software developers came up with a solution: the IDE.

Integrated Development Environment Definition

An integrated development environment is a consolidated software application where you can edit, compile/build, debug and execute your software to achieve greater productivity and streamline development practices across teams, companies and the wider programming community.

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What Is an Integrated Development Environment Used For?

IDEs are typically designed to support a specific programming language or a set of related languages. They offer a range of features that aid in code writing, such as syntax highlighting, code completion and error detection.

IDEs often include tools for version control, allowing developers to track and manage changes to their code. An IDE serves as a one-stop shop for all the tools a developer needs to create software.


Features of Integrated Development Environments

IDEs are packed with features that can significantly elevate your development process, making coding more efficient and helping maintain the quality of your code. 

One of the most valuable features of an IDE is intelligent code completion, which suggests code snippets as you type, saving time and reducing the likelihood of syntax errors. Syntax highlighting is also a feature that significantly enhances the coding experience. It colors different parts of your code to make it easier to read and understand, helping you spot errors more easily.

Refactoring tools in an IDE can help improve your code structure without changing its behavior. These tools automate the process of making changes across multiple files, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Code navigation also significantly speeds up the development process by enabling quick navigation to different parts of your code. This makes it easier to understand the structure of your project and find what you’re looking for.


Types and Examples of IDEs

There are different kinds of IDEs for different purposes, but broadly speaking, there are three types of IDEs.

The first kind is a comprehensive IDE that is built for a specific language. An example of this is PyCharm, which is a language IDE that’s built specifically for the Python programming language, with less fleshed-out support for transitive languages like JavaScript.

The second type is an IDE that is far more general purpose. The best example of this is VSCode, which supports a wide variety of languages through its plug-in architecture. This allows the IDE to support a wide range of languages, but often, it doesn’t have best-in-class support for those languages.

The last type is an IDE that is built for a proprietary platform which has its own niche language. One example is SalesforceCode, which is an online IDE that’s built for the Salesforce platform. It uses VSCode under the hood, but it has far more functionality than a simple plugin, and has the ability to work directory on the Salesforce instance itself.


Picking the Right IDE 

Choosing the proper IDE can significantly impact your productivity and efficiency. Consider your specific needs and preferences when making this decision. 

For example: desktop versus cloud-based IDEs. When you install desktop IDEs on your local machine they can offer robust performance and extensive features, but they may require significant system resources and can be platform specific. Cloud-based IDEs are accessible from any device with an internet connection and offer flexibility and ease of collaboration, but are dependent on internet speed and stability.

Additionally, different IDEs support different programming languages and platforms. Ensure the IDE you choose supports the languages you use most frequently. Consider too the platforms you’re targeting. If you’re developing for multiple platforms, an IDE with cross-platform support can be valuable.

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What Is the Future of IDEs?

Today, the line between an editor and an IDE is getting blurrier. Now, we’re moving to a far more modular IDE, one that fits the developer using it.

If you like customizing your IDEs, then VSCode is a very good choice. If you prefer something that’s more stable and works straight out of the box, then JetBrains’ IDEs won’t disappoint. With time though, the gap in stability between Visual Studio Code and JetBrains’ IDEs will slowly narrow.

The democratization of IDEs has also allowed the flourishing of third-party plugins and companies. SonarLint is one such example, a clean code linter that allows people to achieve a higher standard of static analysis in both IntelliJ-based IDEs as well as VSCode. This means that now more than ever, developers can create an environment that truly suits them.

IDEs have become indispensable tools for developers today. They streamline the coding process, enhance productivity and foster code quality, making them a vital asset for both novice and experienced developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first successful modern IDE was Turbo Pascal. Turbo Pascal was one of the first editors to provide in-editor help and documentation so developers could look up a library that they were using. It also provided a search and replace functionality that helped greatly when it came to refactoring code.

Visual Studio was the first IDE to feature code completion, or IntelliSense. Visual Studio was an IDE for Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Microsoft’s new language C#. Microsoft’s Visual Studio became the gold standard for other IDEs to emulate.

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