Editor salary in US
Average Base Salary in US
How Much Does a Editor Make in US?
The average salary for a Editor in US is $70,814. The average additional cash compensation for a Editor in US is $5,207. The average total compensation for a Editor in US is $76,021. Editor salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous Editor employees in US.
Salary Insights
Editor Salary by gender
Editor Salary by Years of Experience
Editor Salary ranges
Average Content salaries in US
Job Title | Average Salary | Salary Range |
Editor | $70,814 | Min: $0K Max: $200K |
Copywriter | $73,133 | Min: $30K Max: $230K |
Content Strategist | $78,039 | Min: $11K Max: $210K |
Technical Writer | $78,100 | Min: $20K Max: $224K |
Content Manager | $79,023 | Min: $0K Max: $230K |
Content Marketing Manager | $87,241 | Min: $0K Max: $195K |
Senior Technical Writer | $98,116 | Min: $57K Max: $200K |
Within a content or editorial team, an editor is responsible for planning, overseeing, revising and reviewing written work.
How to become an editor?
Editors typically have a bachelor's degree in a field like English, journalism, or communications. Editors then have multiple years of experience writing and working in editorial roles like an editorial assistant or staff writer before moving into an editor role.
How much does an editor make?
The salary range for an editor is $39K-200K. The average salary for a Editor in US is $70,814.