Technical Recruiter salary in San Antonio, TX
Average Base Salary in San Antonio, TX
How Much Does a Technical Recruiter Make in San Antonio, TX?
The average salary for a Technical Recruiter in San Antonio, TX is $73,250. The average additional cash compensation for a Technical Recruiter in San Antonio, TX is $45,000. The average total compensation for a Technical Recruiter in San Antonio, TX is $118,250. Technical Recruiter salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous Technical Recruiter employees in San Antonio, TX.
Technical Recruiter Salary by gender
Technical Recruiter Salary by Years of Experience
Technical Recruiter Salary ranges
Average HR + Recruiting salaries in San Antonio, TX
Job Title | Average Salary | Salary Range |
HR Coordinator | $54,571 | Min: $45K Max: $61K |
Technical Recruiter | $73,250 | Min: $65K Max: $80K |
Recruiter | $80,286 | Min: $65K Max: $93K |
HR Specialist | $81,857 | Min: $65K Max: $106K |
Senior Recruiter | $91,000 | Min: $78K Max: $111K |
HR Manager | $105,750 | Min: $71K Max: $137K |
HR Director | $129,111 | Min: $107K Max: $159K |
Vice President of Talent Acquisition | $148,571 | Min: $132K Max: $160K |
Vice President of People | $185,000 | Min: $144K Max: $246K |
Chief People Officer | $188,750 | Min: $150K Max: $255K |
Vice President of Human Resources | $189,429 | Min: $126K Max: $277K |
A technical recruiter is a specific type of recruiter who finds candidates for technical positions like engineering or product roles.
How to become a technical recruiter?
Like other recruiters, technical recruiters typically have a bachelor's degree or background in human resources. In addition to education, they also have experience in recruiting all types of roles but will need to have a specific understanding of technical roles.
How much does a technical recruiter make?
The salary range for a technical recruiter is $55K-305K. The average salary for a Technical Recruiter in San Antonio, TX is $73,250.