Unser KINEXON Sports & Media Team treibt die Digitalisierung des Sports mit intelligenten Positions-, Bewegungs- und Statusdaten voran. Mit Hilfe intelligenter Sensortechnologie und einer leistungsfähigen Analysesoftware messen, analysieren und visualisieren wir die sportlichen und taktischen Leistungen von Teams und einzelnen Spielern. Kern der Lösung ist unsere hochinnovative Funktechnologie zur zentimetergenauen Ortung und Bewegungserfassung. Eine skalierbare Edge-Plattform analysiert die gewonnenen Informationen in Echtzeit und bietet neuartige und wertvolle Einblicke. Als Full-Stack-Anbieter beherrschen wir die komplette Bandbreite von Hard- bis Software. Unsere Lösungen werden von namhaften Kunden und Partnern wie Red Bull oder Philadelphia 76ers eingesetzt. Der Job erfordert eine wöchentliche Anwesenheit in unserem HQ in München.
Diese Werkstudentenstelle ist auf 6 Monate befristet. Der Arbeitsort ist primär München, eine regelmäßige Anwesenheit vor Ort im Büro wird vorausgesetzt.
- Mitverantwortung für die Durchführung von Produktvorführungen auf Messen oder bei Kunden
- Unterstützung des Projektteams in verschiedensten Kundenprojekten (z.B. Bundesligaverein)
- Projektbezogene Verantwortung in der Koordination und Führung von Kundenterminen
- Einbringen von Kundenfeedback in die weitere Produktentwicklung
- Durchführung hochgradiger Sportevents wie Bundesligaspiele
- Du studierst Gesundheits- oder Sportwissenschaften, Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Sportmanagement oder bist sportbegeisterte(r) Student(in) der Elektro- oder Informationstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder Produktionstechnik
- Dein Organisationstalent konntest du durch praktische Projekte - idealerweise im Technologie- oder Sportorganisationsumfeld - bereits unter Beweis stellen
- Dank deiner strategischen Kompetenz fällt es dir leicht Prioritäten zu setzen
- Du bist - wie die Mannschaft auf dem Spielfeld - ein richtiger Teamplayer und bringst gerne deine eigenen Ideen und Erfahrungen ein
- Du hast Lust, bei Events mit anzupacken
- Du bist technik- und sportaffin
- Du sprichst Deutsch & Englisch verhandlungssicher
At KINEXON, you will meet people with a similar mindset who are passionate about innovative technologies and love to master new challenges in a team, as well as create great products.
Become part of our team and enjoy the following benefits:
- #GrowBeyondYourself – with an annual learning budget to further support your development.
- #Freetime 30 days (DE) / 20 days (US) paid vacation to refuel your energy (for full-time employees)
- #WeCare – take your time off for the family (parental leave etc.)
- #WorkingHours – Early bird or night owl - you can choose your flexible work hours.
- #FlexibleLocation – we work with a hybrid and remote model.
- #OneTeam - We enjoy spending time together at regular team and company events.
- #OnTop - further benefits selected by you out of a range of benefits that we offer (mobility, sports, vacation budget, training and more)
If you want to find out more about our benefits, you can look here and with a visit to Instagram wearekinexon you can get a look behind the scenes.
About Us
KINEXON is a global location-based technology leader that develops groundbreaking hardware and software solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT). Our vision is a world in perfect, frictionless flow. Wherever assets, people or operations are in motion, we can improve and automate the underlying processes, creating powerful results for our customers. Founded in 2012, and headquartered in Munich, Germany, KINEXON has grown to more than 300 employees across offices in Munich and Chicago.
Being a KINEXIAN means you are willing to create real impact for your team, department, and the company as a whole - all while contributing to our most valued asset, our culture.
At KINEXON we want to establish and guarantee an environment in which each person has equal opportunities and has the ability to shine and develop. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to the success of a company. Therefore our employment opportunities are open to all individuals, no matter which gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, ability, place of origion, or socioeconomic status.
There is no better time to join than NOW. What are you waiting for? Join us on this exciting journey!
What We Do
KINEXON stands for connected and automated operations in manufacturing, logistics, sports and media organizations. Our full IoT-stack, which includes state-of-the-art cloud solutions, translates physical worlds into digital twins and provides intuitive tools to identify, optimize and automate processes. Through our leading solutions we enable our customers to achieve next-level performance, efficiency and sustainability.
360-degree connectivity also seamlessly integrates into existing IT infrastructures and allows to realize individual applications.
As a full-stack provider, KINEXON covers the entire range of sensors, cloud-software, consulting, and service. In addition, KINEXON possesses profound vertical expertise in manufacturing, logistics, professional sports, and media.
Among the clients are top international sports clubs from the NBA, NHL, NFL, Bundesliga, DEL, BBL, and HBL, globally active companies including BMW, Continental, Zalando, and Red Bull, as well as high-reach media enterprises such as Red Bull Mediahouse and Sky.
KINEXON has received several awards for its innovative solutions – for example, KINEXON won the awards for most innovative tech company in Bavaria, several IoT Awards in the US, and and "best young tech company" at the "Factory of the Year" awards, organized by A.T. Kearney and the industry journal “Die Produktion.”
KINEXON was founded by Dr. Alexander Hüttenbrink and Dr. Oliver Trinchera, former scientists of the Technical University of Munich. The headquarters in Munich, as well as the US offices in Chicago currently employ around 300 people.