- Cut and disassemble BIW structures with power tools, hand tools, and plasma cutter, maintaining the structural integrity of the pieces.
- Uploading data product into the website accurately
- Photographing and identifying the material of each component, as well as types of connections between sheets, such as welds, industrial adhesives, and mechanical fastening
- Process pictures and digital files.
- Coordinate the scan of reference scans during the teardown of the vehicle during the disassemble process.
- Prepare vehicles, systems or parts to cut.
- Separate (with software) data of complete vehicles, systems and parts previously scanned.
- Prepare the systems or the parts to scan.
- Clean systems or parts for scan.
- Model mechanical connections between different systems or parts.
Professional Background
- Degree: Industrial Engineer, Mechanical Engineer or related.
- Knowledge in materials, production, and assembly lines.
- Basic knowledge of manufacturing processes.
Skills & Abilities
- Knowledge about welding and connection types.
- Handling of manual power tools, metrology tools and workshop tools.
- Knowledge of manual welding and plasma cutting.
- Able to lift components weighing up to 50lbs.
What We Do
A2MAC1 is the world leading provider of competitive technical benchmarking solutions across the automotive industry and beyond. It is a pioneer in the analysis and transformation of data into value, and a source of mission-critical insights into the market. With over 600 employees worldwide (Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States), the group’s offering is used daily by nearly 650,000 professionals from the entire automotive value chain and beyond (transportation, agriculture, appliances, etc.) for 25 years.
Its unique, easy-to-use, 3D proprietary technology platform helps manufacturers optimize the design and materials of their products throughout their life cycle, with a constant focus on innovation and cost and value optimization.